Matters Ink | Tel: 646-327-4100
544 Old Post Road #3 Greenwich, CT 06830
Rush Service
Our mission is to provide the fastest order turnarounds for all of your company’s signage needs. We strive to print and ship all orders within 72 hours of graphic approval. In an effort to keep our overall pricing down, grant all orders fair priority and maintain an efficient production schedule, Matters Ink will be implementing a policy change for orders requiring expedited production. Below is an overview of the upcoming changes:
2-Day Rush Production
For orders with the “Rush Must Arrive By” field populated with a date falling within 48 hours of the date in the
“Order Placed” field, an additional fee will be added to the order total.
2-Day Rush fee: 15% of the order total
Example: An order placed Monday, with a due date of Wednesday the same week is subject to the 2-Day Rush fee.
Next-Day Rush Production
For orders with the “Rush Must Arrive By” field populated with a date falling within 24 hours of the date in the “Order Placed” field, an additional fee will be added to the order total.
Next-Day Rush fee: 20% of the order total